The Hammocks at Canandaigua

The Hammocks at Canandaigua

Friday, January 3, 2014

January 2014

"January is here, with eyes that keenly glow, 
a frost-mailed warrior 
striding a shadowy steed of snow." 
-  Edgar Fawcett
Happy New Year to all! We hope that 2014 is filled with much happiness and good health!

Some Interesting January Facts-----
January was named after the Roman god Janus. Janus is also the Roman word for door. The god Janus had two faces which allowed him to look forwards into the coming year and backwards into the past year.

The original Roman calendar only had 10 months. January and February were not included, but were added later.

Did you know that January is.....

National Mentoring Month & National Book Month
  • In 1908, the ball was first dropped at Times Square in New York City.
  • In 1870, construction began on the Brooklyn Bridge. 
  • In 1924, the first Winter Olympic games begin in Chamonix, France. 
  • In 1943, The Pentagon opens.

Canandaigua Events
Don't forget to check out some of these events in the month of January

January 4, 2014 
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
The walk walks are held  the first Saturday of every month

On January 18,  enjoy the magic of a moonlit Nordic evening filled with pre-ski snacks, skiing and hot cocoa around a campfire all under the light of the full moon.

Apartment Tips & Tricks

Many of you have probably made your new year's resolution whether it is to ‘lose weight’ or ‘budget better'.  How about making some resolutions to give your apartment a little more love? Here are some resolution tips suggested by Apartment Therapy.  Maybe you have a DIY project as one of the things that you plan on checking off your 2014 list.   If you are a thrift store shopper or plan on visiting one for the first time here are a few common items to keep an eye out for the next time you're at the thrift store. Happy Shopping! 

For the Foodie in all of us......

With January being such a cold month, what better way to keep warm than some hearty winter recipes.  If you're a fan of stew why not try preparing this Hearty Chicken Stew with Butternut Squash Quinoa recipe, not only is it delish but healthy too!  Now if you much rather prefer something for that sweet tooth of yours, then you must try this Gingersnap Bread Pudding with Bourbon ButterIt’s bread pudding, but it is so, so much more.  It's your ticket to comforting, custardy, carbohydrate heaven....mmm!!